
Using LimitRule

ll = LimitRule(;lloq = 0.1, btmax = 0.0, atmax = NaN, nan = NaN, rm = true)

It means that all values below lloq will be replaced by btmax before Tmax and replaced by atmax after Tmax; NaN values will be replaced by nan. If rm is true, all NaN values will be deleted.

See also: applylimitrule!.

Using DoseTime

dt = DoseTime(dose = 200.0, time = 0.0)

DoseTime can be appliet to each subject or dataset and can be used with pkimport.

ds = pkimport(pkdata2, :Time, :Concentration, [:Subject, :Formulation]; dosetime = dt)

DoseTime for staedy-state PK:

dt = DoseTime(dose = 100.0, time = 0.25, tau = 9.0)

See also: setdosetime!.

Calculation steps for PK NCA

Step 1

Filter all values before dose time and NaN or missing values after last measurable concentration. If TAU set, calculate start and end timepoints for AUCtau.

Step 2

Cmax, Tmax calculation. Interpolate NaN and missing values.


If more than one maximum - only first observation used for define Tmax.

Step 3

Exclude interpolated points from calculation (add to excltime). Elimination parameters calculation. Find last concentration > 0 and time for last concentration > 0.


If kelstart or kelend in excltime then kelauto set to true.


If kelauto is true than range of observations for elimination will start from Tmax if administration set as iv, and from next observation after Tmax in other cases.

Step 4

Shift all time values by dose time.

Step 5

Calculate dose concentration (Cdose).


If there is no concentration for dosing time:

  • If administration set as iv if 1st observation > than 2nd and both > 0 - Dose concentration is log-extrapolated, else set as 1st observation.
  • If administration not iv, than if Tau used Dose concentration set as minimal concentration, in other case set as 0.

Step 6

Calculate areas.


If AUClast is 0, than AUClast, AUMClast and AUCall set as NaN, so other dependent parameters is NaN too.

Step 7

Calculate steady-state parameters.


If end of tau interval lies between two observation, than interpolation used to compute Ctau and partial AUCs; intpm keyword used to define interpolation method. If end of tau interval lies after all observation, than extrapolation used to compute Ctau and partial AUCs. Extrapolation based on using elimination parameters.

Unitful details


Unitful.jl MetidaNCA can work with Unitful.jl. There is no guarantee that all functions will work without errors. All validation procedures with Unitful should be done manually before use.


Dose and time settings If you are using Unitful, check dositime settings: DoseTime(dose = 100u"mg", time = 0u"hr"). For properly results all values should have units (including time and concentration data in data table).