The replicate designed bioequivalence is a powerful approach to get more information about variation. In some cases the number of subjects required to demonstrate bioequivalence can be reduced by up to about 50% (Van Peer, A., 2010). For a high variability product, replication can really improve the precision and provide more complete intra-individual variation estimate. Also replicate design could be used for reference-scaled average bioequivalence (RSABE) to demonstrate bioequivalence for highly variable drugs (HVDs). With accordance to US FDA guideline linear mixed-effects model procedures, available in PROC MIXED in SAS or equivalent software, should be used for the analysis of replicated crossover studies for average BE (US FDA). At this moment linear mixed model effect analysis can be done with proprietary (SPSS, SAS, Stata) and open source (R:nlme, R:lme4, Julia:MixedModels) software. But not all statistical mixed models packages support flexible covariance structure fitting with structures like “heterogeneous compound symmetry” (CSH), FA0(2). This doesn’t means that lme4 or MixedModels can’t be used for bioequivalence estimation, but CSH structure not available in this packages and comparison of results performed in SAS/SPSS with lme4 can be problematically. Objective of this work is: to provide instrument to make bioequivalence analysis with type C model and a development of a demonstrative code for step-by-step clarification of mixed model computation procedure for any interested developers.
Materials and Methods
FDA recommended model can be described with following equation (Patterson, 2002; US FDA):
Where $i=1,…s$ indicates sequence, $j=1,…n_i$ - subjects, $k=R,T$ – treatment, $l=1,2$ indicates replicate on treatment $k$ for subjects within sequence $i$. $Y_ijkl$ is the response of replicate $l$ on treatment $k$ for subject $j$ in sequence $i$, $γ_ikl$ represents the fixed effect of replicate $l$ on treatment $k$ in sequence $i$, $δ_ijk$ is the random subject effect for subject $j$ in sequence $i$ on treatment $k$, and $ε_{ijkl}$ is the random error for subject $j$ within sequence $i$ on replicate $l$ of treatment $k$. The $ε_{ijkl}$ are assumed to be mutually independent and identically distributed as
And the random subject effects are assumed to be mutually independent and distributed as
Following code illustrates an example of program statements to run the average bioequivalence analysis using PROC MIXED in SAS:
ESTIMATE 'T vs. R' TRT 1 -1/CL ALPHA=0.1;
Statement TYPE=CSH also can be used to match the model described above.
In matrix notation a mixed effect model can be represented as:
And gives Henderson's «mixed model equations»:
The solution to the mixed model equations is a maximum likelihood estimate when the distribution of the errors is normal. PROC MIXED in SAS used restricted maximum likelihood (REML) approach by default. REML equation can be described with following (Henderson, 1959;Laird 1982; Jennrich 1986; Lindstrom & Bates, 1988; Gurka 2006):
Where $N$ – total number of observations, $n$ – number of independent sampling units (subjects), $y_i$ individual response vector, $X_i$ individual design matrix of fixed effects, $β$ vector of fixed effects parameters, $V_i$ individual covariance matrix for the response vector, $Z_i$ individual design matrix of random effects, $G$ covariance matrix of $u$ (random effect), $R_i$ individual covariance matrix of $ϵ$ (residual error). Finding solution for minimization -2logL(θ) respectively to θ can be done with Newton’s family methods. In ReplicateBE used optimization with Optim.jl package (Newton's Method). In some cases post-optimization step can be performed with Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno method ((L)-BFGS)(Fletcher & Roger, 1987; Wright, 2006). Because variance have only positive values and ρ is limited as -1 ≤ ρ ≤1 in CSH (SAS implementation) and 0 ≤ ρ ≤1 in ReplicateBE "link" function is used. Exponential values is optimizing in variance part and ρ is linked with sigmoid function. All steps perform with differentiable functions with forward automatic differentiation using ForwardDiff package. ForwardDiff is a Julia package for forward-mode automatic differentiation (AD) featuring performance competitive with low-level languages like C++. Unlike recently developed AD tools in other popular high-level languages such as Python and MATLAB, ForwardDiff takes advantage of just-in-time (JIT) compilation to transparently recompile AD-unaware user code, enabling efficient support for higher-order differentiation and differentiation using custom number types (including complex numbers). The field of automatic differentiation provides methods for automatically computing exact derivatives (up to floating-point error) given only the function itself (Revels et al., 2016; Mogensen et al., 2018).
After solving optimization problem other statistical parameters can be found (Giesbrecht & Burns, 1985; Hrong-Tai Fai & Corneliu 1996; Schaalje et al 2002):
Degree of freedom (DF) computed with Satterthwaite approximation or with “contain” method (N – rank(XZ)).
Where $A = 2H^{-1}$; $g = \triangledown_{\theta}(LC_{\theta}L')$
Where L is a vector of known constant, C – variance-covariance matrix of fixed effects (var(β)), H – hessian matrix of REML function, N – total number of observations.
ReplicateBE was validated with 6 reference public datasets, 29 generated datasets and simulation study. ReplicateBE is compliant to SAS/SPSS when comparing the following parameters: REML estimate, variance components estimate, fixed effect estimate, standard error of fixed effect estimate. Validation procedures included in package test procedure and perform each time when new version released or can be done at any time on user machine. Validation results (REML & 90% CI) table can be found here.
ReplicateBE include simulation utility, that based on generation multivariate distributed datasets. This can be used not only in purpose of the package diagnostics, but also in purpose of sample size estimation ets. Simulation using version 0.1.4 was performed with 100000 iterations. Confidence interval (95%) for type I error (alpha) is 0.048047 - 0.050733. No statistically significant difference found with acceptable rate (0.05) found. Other simulation results can be found here.
Testing procedures cover approximately of code, and perform for each release on Travis CI platform:
Installation and using
using Pkg; Pkg.add("ReplicateBE")
Basic using:
using ReplicateBE, StatsBase
be = ReplicateBE.rbe!(df, dvar = :var, subject = :subject, formulation = :formulation, period = :period, sequence = :sequence);
ci = confint(be, 0.1)
Standard output:
Bioequivalence Linear Mixed Effect Model (status: converged)
-2REML: 329.257 REML: -164.629
Fixed effect:
Effect Value SE F DF t P|t|
(Intercept) 4.42158 0.119232 1375.21 68.6064 37.0838 4.02039E-47*
sequence: 2 0.360591 0.161776 4.96821 62.0 2.22895 0.0294511*
period: 2 0.027051 0.0533388 0.257206 122.73 0.507155 0.612956
period: 3 -0.00625777 0.0561037 0.012441 153.634 -0.111539 0.911334
period: 4 0.036742 0.0561037 0.428886 153.634 0.654894 0.513515
formulation: 2 0.0643404 0.0415345 2.39966 62.0 1.54908 0.126451
Intra-individual variance:
formulation: 1 0.108629 CVᵂ: 33.87 %
formulation: 2 0.0783544 CVᵂ: 28.55 %
Inter-individual variance:
formulation: 1 0.377846
formulation: 2 0.421356
ρ: 0.980288 Cov: 0.391143
Confidence intervals(90%):
formulation: 1 / formulation: 2
Ratio: 93.77, CI: 87.49 - 100.5 (%)
formulation: 2 / formulation: 1
Ratio: 106.65, CI: 99.5 - 114.3 (%)
ReplicateBE was developed to get mixed model solution to bioequivalence clinical trial. Package repository: , Julia 1.0.5 or latest should be installed.
ReplicateBE not designed for modeling in a general purpose, but can be used in situation with similar structure. In part of datasets ReplicateBE showed better optimization result as SPSS. Also ReplicateBE based on direct inversing of variance-covarance matrix V, so computation of $V^{-1}$ may be time expensive if size of matrix is big. This does not happen in bioequivalence study where size of $V$ is no more 4 (4 periods). But in general this can be serious performance disadvantage. This situation can be avoided using sweep based transformations (Wolfinger et al., 1994). In ReplicateBE variance structure strictly denoted and can’t be changed, but it can be a target in package developing path. In ReplicateBE Satterthwaite degree of freedom (DF) estimate is equal with SAS/SPSS DF estimate for full-replicated basic bioequivalence balanced and unbalanced datasets (2x2x4, 2x2x3), and can be unequal in datasets with dropouts. Validation results for half-replicated designs (2x3x3) or 2x4x4 designs can be found in validation results table.
Development and version description
Version format: $X.Y.Z$
- $0.0.Z$ - alpha release, not ready for publics deploy;
- $0.Y.Z$ - beta release, ready for publics deploy and testing;
- $1.0.Z$ - publics release with stable API and description of validation procedures, can be unstable or validation program can cover not all package functionality;
- $1.1.0$ - stable public release;
When $Z$ changed - bugfix or minor changes, not affect on API.
When $Y$ changed - minor patch, may include changes in functionality, but not include breaking changes.
When $X$ changed - major release, may include breaking changes.
D.Sc. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences Anastasia Shitova
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