Parameter list

Basic parameters


Maximum concentration from dose time to dose time + tau (if tau > 0). Firs observation used.


Time at maximum concentration from dose time to dose time + tau (if tau > 0). Firs observation used.


By default dose time is 0. If concentration at dose time present in observation list - this concentration will be used. For extravascular setting (:ev) if τ used (τ > 0) Cdose set as minimum concentration from dose time to τ time :Ctaumin, else set equal to zero. For IV (:iv) if 1-st observation > 2-nd observation > 0 then logarithmic extrapolation used, else set equal to 1-st observation.


Area under Curve / Area under the Moment Curve.

\[AUC = \sum_{n=1}^N AUC_{n}\]

\[AUMC = \sum_{n=1}^N AUMC_{n}\]

Where AUCn/AUMCn- partial AUC/AUMC.

Linear trapezoidal rule

\[AUC\mid_{t_1}^{t_2} = \delta t \times \frac{C_1 + C_2}{2}\]

\[AUMC\mid_{t_1}^{t_2} = \delta t \times \frac{t_1 \times C_1 + t_2 \times C_2}{2}\]

Logarithmic trapezoidal rule

\[AUC\mid_{t_1}^{t_2} = \delta t \times \frac{ C_2 - C_1}{ln(C_2/C_1)}\]

\[AUMC\mid_{t_1}^{t_2} = \delta t \times \frac{t_2 \times C_2 - t_1 \times C_1}{ln(C_2/C_1)} - \delta t^2 \times \frac{ C_2 - C_1}{ln(C_2/C_1)^2}\]


Linear interpolation rule

\[C_x = C_1 + \frac{(t_x-t_1)\times(C_2 - C_1)}{t_2 - t_1}\]

Logarithmic interpolation rule

\[C_x = exp\left(ln(C_1) + \frac{(t_x-t_1)\times(ln(C_2) - ln(C_1))}{t_2 - t_1}\right)\]


Area under the curve from dose time to last observed concentration (>0).


Area under the Moment Curve from dose time to last observed concentration (>0). Dose time is the starting point for this calculation.


All values used to calculate AUC.


𝝺z - elimination constant. Linear regression at the terminal phase used for logarithmic transformed concentration data.


Half-Life; T1/2

\[HL = ln(2) / \lambda_z\]


Coefficient of determination (R²).


Adjusted coefficient of determination (R²).


Number of points for elimination calculation.


Mean residence time (MRT) from the dose time to the time of the last observed concentration.

\[MRT_{last} = AUMC_{last} / AUC_{last}\]

If :Kel calculated


AUC extrapolated from the last observed concentration to infinity.

\[AUC_\infty = AUC_{last} + \frac{C_{last}}{\lambda_z}\]


AUMC extrapolated from the last observed concentration to infinity.

\[AUMC_\infty = AUMC_{last} + \frac{t_{last}\times C_{last}}{\lambda_z} + \frac{C_{last}}{\lambda_z^2}\]


Percentage of AUCinf due to extrapolation from the last observed concentration to infinity.

\[AUCpct = (AUC_\infty - AUC_{last}) / AUC_\infty * 100 \%\]


AUC extrapolated to infinity from the predicted concentration.

\[AUC_{\infty pred} = AUC_{last} + \frac{C_{last pred}}{\lambda_z}\]

If Dose used



\[CL_{last} = Dose / AUC_{last}\]


Total body clearance for extravascular administration.

\[CL_\infty = Dose / AUC_\infty\]


Volume of distribution based on the terminal phase.

Steady-state parameters (If τ used)

τ-time = dose_time + τ


Area under the curve from dose time to τ-time.


Area under the Moment Curve from the dose time to τ-time.


Concentration at τ-time.


Minimum concentration from the dose time to τ-time.


\[C_{avg} = AUC_\tau / \tau\]



\[Fluc = ( C_{max} - C_{\tau min} ) / C_{avg} * 100 \%\]


Fluctuation Tau

\[Fluc\tau = ( C_{max} - C_{\tau} ) / C_{avg} * 100 \%\]


Accumulation index.

\[Accind = \frac{1}{1 - exp(-\lambda_z \tau)}\]


\[MRT_{\tau\inf} = (AUMC_\tau + \tau * (AUC_\infty - AUC_\tau)) / AUC_\tau\]


\[Swing = (C_{max} - C_{\tau min}) / C_{\tau min}\]


\[Swing_{\tau} = (C_{max} - C_{\tau}) / C_{\tau}\]